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Interpower is Adding Two More Chinese 10A Cord Sets to Our Product Line

March 2018
Interpower is pleased to announce it has added two more Chinese 10A cord sets to expand its product line. These two cord sets have Chinese 10A plugs and up/down angled IEC 60320 C13 connectors with CCC approval.

The new part numbers are: 86272310 and 86272320. The cord sets are made on 3 x 1.00mm2 RVV cable and are rated 10A/250VAC. They are manufactured at Interpower’s Iowa facilities.

Interpower also offers three other Chinese 10A cords sets—one with a straight C13 connector (P/N 86272010) and two with right/left angled C13 connectors (P/N 86272020 and 86272030).


Interpower has no minimum order or dollar requirements and offers a 1-week U.S. manufacturing lead-time on non-stock Interpower products with same day shipping on in-stock products. Blanket or scheduled orders are available. Interpower also offers value-added services, along with free technical support.

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