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Power Entry Modules

High Power Pin and Sleeve Devices


  • Click below for Power Entry Modules and Accessory Power Modules and more
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Power Entry Modules

Power Entry Modules

Accessory Power Modules

Accessory Power Modules

IEC 60320 Inlets

IEC 60320 Inlets

IEC 60320 Accessory Power Cable Connectors

IEC 60320 Accessory Power Cable Connectors

IEC 60320 Rewireable Cable Connectors

IEC 60320 Rewireable Cable Connectors

Value Added and Custom Services

Value-Added Services



Hospital-Grade Power Entry Modules

Hospital-Grade Power Entry Modules

Simplifying the power entry element in an electrical or electronic product with a module can help make the assembly easier and may benefit a company in product design.

Interpower offers two to five function modules, applicable for a variety of applications, such as medical, testing, computer, and industrial equipment.

For more information, contact Customer Service.