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  3. Same Day Shipments

Interpower® Offers Same
Day Shipments

Interpower offers same day shipments. If you call before 5 p.m. Central Time and we have that part in stock, we will ship it out that same day.

We check every hour to see what new orders have been placed and get them ready for shipment. Since we have no minimum orders, we can ship one part or 100 parts or more.

Interpower offers a full product line of power system components with an extensive inventory. If you have a part that you’re ordering and need something to complement it, check with Interpower for that as well—we may have it in inventory or we can obtain it or make it for you.

“The Shipping Team will do its best to make sure you receive your product in a quality way that delights you, our customer,” said Ken Long, Shipping and Receiving Supervisor.