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Fuses and Fuse Holders

Fuses and Fuse Holders


  • Select your North American or International fuse or fuse holder below
  • No minimum order requirements
  • Same day shipments on in-stock products

Fuse Carriers

Fuse Carriers

“Touchproof” Fuse Holders

Fuse Holders

Fuse Carriers

Fuse Carriers

Fuse Blocks

Fuse Blocks

Fuse Clips

Fuse Clips

North American 1/4 x 1-1/4? Fuses

North American
1/4 x 1-1/4" Fuses

North American 5 x 20mm Fuses

North American
5 x 20mm Fuses

United Kingdom BS 1363 Fuses)

United Kingdom BS 1362 Fuses

International 5 x 20mm Fuses

5 x 20mm Fuses

International 5 x 20mm Fuses

5 x 20mm Fuses



Electronic equipment is often designed with built-in circuit protection. The main function is to provide protection to both the equipment and the equipment operator in the event of a circuit overload. This protection usually comes in one of two forms: a circuit breaker or a fuse. A circuit breaker is an automatic switch that prohibits the flow of electric current when it is rapidly overloaded or unusually stressed. A fuse is a safety device that protects an electric circuit from excessive current.

While there are different kinds of fuses available, these are the ones that Interpower offers:

For more details, see “More Information on Fuses and Fuse Holders.”