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  7. IEC 60320 Connectors

More Information on IEC 60320 C13 and C19 Connectors

Interpower molds five different IEC 60320 C13 and C19 connector configurations for global use. Each angle connector is available in a variety of amperage ratings, cable types and sizes, and colors.

If space is limited between the equipment and the wall or if the cord length needs to be kept to a minimum, an angled connector may assist in a safer routing of the cable, by helping to keep the cable from becoming pinched or tangled.

IEC 60320 C13 Connector and C14 Inlet

The C13 connector and C14 inlet are two of the most common IEC 60320 components used at Interpower. The mounting style for the C13 connector is cable-mount. The C14 inlet is available as a screw-mount or a snap-in.

C13 connectors offered by Interpower are rated at 10A/250VAC international and 15A/250VAC North America with a temperature rating of up to 70°C. At Interpower, there are five different configurations available for the C13 connector—four angled and one straight version.

C14 inlets are also rated at 10A/250VAC international and 15A/250VAC North America with a temperature rating of up to 70°C.

Common uses for the C13 connector/C14 inlet include medical equipment, test equipment, and IT equipment, along with commercial appliances, some home appliances, data centers, power distribution devices, and professional food equipment, to name a few.

C13 Angle Connectors Available

Mold 052Mold 053Mold 055Mold 056Mold 057
85910071 tool-free Connector Lock 85910500
85910071 85910075 85910500

IEC 60320 C19 Connector and C20 Inlet

The C19 connector and C20 inlet are two more common IEC 60320 components used at Interpower. The mounting style for the C19 connector is cable-mount, while the mounting style for the C20 is screw-mount or snap-in.

C19 connectors offered by Interpower are rated at 16A/250VAC international and 20A/125 or 250VAC North America with a temperature rating of up to 70°C. At Interpower, there are five different configurations available for the C13 connector—four angled and one straight version.

C20 inlets are also rated at 16A/250VAC international and 20A/250VAC North America. The temperature rating is 60°C to 70°C, depending on the approval agency.

Common uses for the C19 connector/C20 inlet include medical equipment, test equipment, and IT equipment, along with commercial appliances, some home appliances, data centers, power distribution devices, and professional food equipment, to name a few.

C19 Angle Connectors Available

 Mold 068 C19 Connector Up C19 Connector Down C19 Connector C19 Connector
Mold 068 Mold 013 Mold 015 Mold 069 Mold 070
85910051 85910055