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IEC 60320 Components

Incorporating IEC 60320 components in electrical product designs can be advantageous when exporting to global markets because they are generally accepted worldwide.

An IEC 60320 connector and inlet, also known as an appliance coupler, allows manufacturers to make one product that can be used in many different markets, by only having to change the cord set. Appliance couplers are primarily used for incoming power to a system.

If accessory power needs to be supplied from one piece of equipment or appliance to another, then an interconnection appliance coupler, which is a plug connector and an outlet, may be used. These couplers are primarily used for outgoing power from a system.

IEC 60320 Connectors and Inlets

A connector and an inlet (also known as appliance couplers) allow manufacturers to make one product that can be used in many different markets, by only having to change the cord set. Each type of connector and inlet is identified by the letter “C” followed by a number, where the number of the appliance inlet is one higher than the number for the corresponding connector.

The most commonly used IEC 60320 connectors and inlets at Interpower are:

IEC 60320 Connectors and Inlets

C5 Connector

C6 Inlet

C7 Connector

C8 Inlet

C13 Connector

C14 Inlet

C15 Connector

C16 Inlet

C17 Connector

C18 Inlet

C19 Connector

C20 Inlet

IEC 60320 Plug Connectors and Outlets

A plug connector and an outlet (also known as interconnection appliance couplers or accessory power) provide power from one equipment or appliance to another. For each type of plug connector outlet, it is identified by “Sheet” followed by a letter (e.g. E, F, I, J).

The most commonly used IEC 60320 plug connectors and outlets at Interpower are:

IEC 60320 Plug Connectors and Outlets

Sheet E Plug Connector

Sheet F Outlet


Sheet I Plug Connector

Sheet J Outlet

C13 and C19 Angled Connectors

Interpower offers five different configurations for the IEC 60320 C13 and C19 connectors for North American and international use. The various angles allow for connections to be made to equipment helping to eliminate the possibility of pinched or tangled cable, which can provide a safer routing of the cable. These are ideal for areas where space is limited between the equipment and the wall or where cord lengths need to be kept to a minimum for a tight or clean look, such as on equipment racks.

Common uses for the C13 and C19 connectors include medical equipment, test equipment, and IT equipment, along with commercial appliances, some home appliances, data centers, power distribution devices, and professional food equipment, to name a few. They are also used in indoor equipment fields.

C13 Connector Angles Available

Mold 052

Mold 053

Mold 055

Mold 056

Mold 057

C19 Connector Angles Available

Mold 013

Mold 015

Mold 068

Mold 069

Mold 070

See the complete line of IEC 60320 products available at Interpower, including the C13 and C19 connectors.

For a complete list of the IEC 60320 connectors, inlets, plug connectors, and outlets, see the IEC 60320 Appliance and Interconnection Couplers chart.

IEC 60320 components are found in various Interpower product lines including accessory power, power cords and cord sets, jumper cords and cord sets, modules and Accessory Power Strips.